lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Small summary of the new: "Chilean president present bill for national electric highway"

In this new it ies explain that President Piñera has just signed the bill that approves the constrution of an "electric Highway" that connect Chile from north to south. This project will unit the 99,2 percent of the energy system of the country in only one network. The announcement is an important sign for the energy companies, in especial these that are related whit the mega-dam project of Hydroaysen, because this Highway will provide these companies of a public electrical network that will be able to be use for their energy transmition requirements.
 This new is connected to the sociology despites its technical and unsocial appearance. The reason thats explain this link is the big importance of the kind of energysource in modern society. Nowadays it's not posible to think a society separated from his electrical generation system, because our lifes dependes more and more of the energy provision that keeps working our urban enviroment and economy. Moreover, the ecological menace of a dirty energy source like nuclear or termoelectric plants or a mega-dam that destroy the local ecosystem concern not only biology, it also implies social consequences that are studyobjects for sociology. At last there is a deeper point of analysis behind this project, I mean the development model and the vision of development that a society has. Is development the result of economic free forces, or it is the product of a colective deliberation? Can we change our behaviours in order to require less energy and live in a social system that do not destroy our planet? It is posible for modern society to change so deeply our way of live? These are the cuestions behind the development vision and the energy source.       

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