domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

First Term

Well, my first term was very good, terrible faster. It provide me of a lot of new sociological knowledge, but it also demand more time than the other terms.
A bad thing that happened was that I stopped to do sports. I usually played basketball, but the university rhythm didn't give me enough time to keep with it. I’m fatter, but I don’t care very much.
About friends I’ve to recognize that was a strange semester, I stopped seeing some friends because of the times, but I knew a lot of new people who studied with me and from others parts. A lot of changes occurred during the last months, included in my family, where my mother went to France for a work in May and stills there. There she has a good and establish job and she’s living with his brother who hadn’t see in a long time. My sister in her side finished his Art degree and started to work in the Catholic University has a teacher’s assistant and in a project of art intervention in the Villa Portales.
We can say that was a pretty moved term in all the ways but the sportive one.

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