martes, 31 de mayo de 2011


Well, now I have to write about a unknown theme for me, which isn’t other than the photography. At first I need to declare that I not very keen on take photos or study about this modern art, but I’ll do my best effort. Of the completely universe of photography I prefer the photos that denounce historical events or harsh situation. This kind of photography is very important because it contribute to form a social conscience in a time that nobody cares about the other people and their problems. Another contribution of the photography is the existence of photos that capture a beautiful image, in terms of colors or uniqueness of the image. One good example for this trend is this world famous photography that was the front page of the National Geographic magazine in the eighties, in which appears a muslim woman looking you with her big, green and penetrating eyes. Sadly, this photo is the only one that I can remember now, but I can assure you that over there are thousands of photos of this type, that really shocks you only with an image. Maybe nowadays we have more than thousands of good photos; maybe, with our digital cameras we can talk with property of thousands of millions of very impressing photos of all over the world. The problem that emerges with this overpopulation of photos surfing trough the internet is that the authors became more and more anonymous photographers, and their works, only another drop in the ocean made of billions of images that you can find in internet. That’s the reason why nowadays the photos don’t have the same impact than in the past, and the situation get worse if you add the “Photoshop factor”, that transform every photo in an appearance, only a image that don’t reflect necessarily the reality.

For all these reasons, I have to conclude that we live in a time that implies a paradox to the photography, because for one hand we are living in the time in that the photography saturate the medias, but, for the other hand, we are living the time in that the photography lost more and more strength every single day.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Free time

For some people, like for example Karl Marx and other thinkers as well, is work the area of life in which the human being can realize himself. But I disagree with this motion, because for me the most important aspect of life isn’t another than the free time.

In the Old Age the people used to appreciate the free time not only for repose and idle around; they really understood the essential part of free time, that involves much more than the common people of nowadays think. Free time is in fact like a temple, in where a man can find himself through the activities that he chooses, liberating himself of the oppressive work regime. I share this point of view, that why I try to use my free time doing the activities that my own will prefers. Historically my favorite Hobby was to do drama, I even take part of a little company last year, but today my preferences have moved to the literature. And in front of this new reality I decided the last month to take part of a literature creative group, in where everyone can write stories and read it and we all do reviews about the stories that we heard. Is a very beautiful hobby, and I hope that it will help me to grow up as a person.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011


How can such a wonderful theme been so difficult to talk about? The natural doubt that everyone may have at this point is: which is this wonderful theme that you, David, don’t really like to talk about. Well, the theme that I refer isn’t other than the music. For me is difficult to write or talk about the music because I can’t choose or defend a specific area of this art; maybe I would prefer to write about a more boring theme that I don’t really care. But my problem with the music is that I use to listen to a wide range of music, from rock to classic music. The problem of definition in this area is even worse, because I don’t even have a favorite band or singer; for me some songs of one specific band can be able to be listen, some doesn’t move anything inside me, and some others are honestly pure crab. But despite that essential problem, I would like to write about a very special band that maybe was my most shocking music experience. The name of this band can’t be other than The Doors. The Doors were very special to me because in the time when I discover this band I was just a young teenager with a very small and close perspective of the world, and when I finally heard my first song of this band (the title of this song was “break on through to the other side”) something inside me wake up abruptly and move myself to discover new worlds inside our world; in a few words, this band opened my own doors of perception. That’s why, if somebody ask me about music in my life, the only that I can answer with certain is that of the whole universe of music I almost can’t do a value judgment, the only value judgment that I can do is that the Doors is more than an normal rockband, they really open doors.

One great man

At first I have to refer, that for me is very difficult to write about any sociologer, because I'm just entering to the career and I haven't learned enough to choose my favorite author. But anyways, I think that maybe Max Weber is a good option to talk about. Well, Max Weber was a German man that lived in the late nineteenth century and also in the beginning of the twentieth, in a time of very quickly changes. He was very smart as a little boy, so he started writing his first essay with the short age of thirteen years; it was an analysis of the German history and the problem of this people. Since then he wrote essays until he died. At the university he studied laws, but he also learned about many themes, like politics, economy, history and philosophy. When he still was a student he began his most important and famous work, named "the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism". To write this huge essay Max Weber learned a lot of folders and books about the protestants and their ethic code, and how this ethic code was reflected intro their work. And his discovery was amazing: he revealed that the way of understanding the world of the protestants and how this interpretation influeced their work, was the main factor to established, later, the modern capitalism. With this brilliant hypothesis and his verification Max Weber became one of the founders and more important authors of the sociology, despites many people think that he was an obsessed crazy man. For me, it doesn't matter that he was a crazy man; the important thing here is that he knew how to guide his madness.