martes, 31 de mayo de 2011


Well, now I have to write about a unknown theme for me, which isn’t other than the photography. At first I need to declare that I not very keen on take photos or study about this modern art, but I’ll do my best effort. Of the completely universe of photography I prefer the photos that denounce historical events or harsh situation. This kind of photography is very important because it contribute to form a social conscience in a time that nobody cares about the other people and their problems. Another contribution of the photography is the existence of photos that capture a beautiful image, in terms of colors or uniqueness of the image. One good example for this trend is this world famous photography that was the front page of the National Geographic magazine in the eighties, in which appears a muslim woman looking you with her big, green and penetrating eyes. Sadly, this photo is the only one that I can remember now, but I can assure you that over there are thousands of photos of this type, that really shocks you only with an image. Maybe nowadays we have more than thousands of good photos; maybe, with our digital cameras we can talk with property of thousands of millions of very impressing photos of all over the world. The problem that emerges with this overpopulation of photos surfing trough the internet is that the authors became more and more anonymous photographers, and their works, only another drop in the ocean made of billions of images that you can find in internet. That’s the reason why nowadays the photos don’t have the same impact than in the past, and the situation get worse if you add the “Photoshop factor”, that transform every photo in an appearance, only a image that don’t reflect necessarily the reality.

For all these reasons, I have to conclude that we live in a time that implies a paradox to the photography, because for one hand we are living in the time in that the photography saturate the medias, but, for the other hand, we are living the time in that the photography lost more and more strength every single day.

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