lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

English language Challenges

Studyng a diferent language represents always a big challenge. And that not only because a new language require a lot of time to learn it well, it is also very important to incorporate the  new grammathic structure of the language and manage it well. And that isn't a easy work to do for us as spanish speakers, because english  have a very diferent grammathical structure that forces to think the language in a completly new form. A example for that is the verb 'to be', that for a spanish speaker can have two diferent meaning, namely, 'ser' or 'estar' depending of the context of the sentence. But, at the other hand, english learning have a big advantage: English is nowadays the universal language of the whole world. This special condition of english makes it a little more easier to learn, because it is very easy to get in contact with the language throught tv series, movies, books, adverticements, etc. Fortunately, this special condition makes that at least a basic level of english 'floats in the air and can be catch by anyone'.
I think for me isn't very dificult english to speak and learn, maybe because I already know the german language that seems like english. Despite that, knwoing german has also a bad side: I tend to confuse some words or expresions of the two languages. 
The english lessons have been a successful experience for me because it give me a instans to write and think in english, that is always a good excercise to practice a language. I think that a method like this, that is focus in the use of the language and not only in memorize it, is better to learn it because the method makes sense to the student and not only force him to do some things in order to reach a sufficient level of english.     

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